Singing Guide: Peter Malick

Singing Guide: Peter Malick

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Peter Malick is an American singer and guitarist known for his unique vocal tone and soulful interpretations of classic blues and jazz standards. Learning to sing like Peter Malick involves understanding his vocal technique and incorporating his signature style into your own singing.

One of Malick's distinctive vocal qualities is his use of vibrato, which he often uses to add warmth and emotion to his performances. To incorporate vibrato into your singing like Malick, try warming up with the "Diaphragm Bounce" exercise, which you can find in the Twang video on Singing Carrots. This exercise helps you develop the control necessary to create a smooth and controlled vibrato.

Another important aspect of Malick's vocal style is his use of phrasing, which involves emphasizing certain words and notes to create a sense of momentum and emotional intensity. To develop this skill, try practicing your phrasing with the "Sustain Vocal" exercise, which you can find in the Sustain vocal video on Singing Carrots. This exercise helps you build the flexibility and stamina needed to control your phrasing and sustain notes for longer periods of time.

When it comes to repertoire for learning from Malick, you will find plenty of inspiration in his work with jazz vocalist Norah Jones and his solo projects. Two recommended songs to study are "New York City Blues" and "I'm Satisfied", both of which showcase Malick's unique vocal style and phrasing.

As you work to incorporate Malick's style into your own singing, be sure to utilize Singing Carrots' tools and resources. The Pitch accuracy test, Search songs by vocal range, and Vocal ranges of famous singers sections can help you identify and develop your own vocal range and pitch accuracy, while the Educational singing course provides a wealth of information on breathing, articulation, and other key aspects of singing.

By studying Malick's vocal technique, practicing with Singing Carrots' exercises and resources, and finding your own unique voice, you can learn to sing like Peter Malick and develop your own soulful and emotive style.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.